9:00AM - 5:30PM
You may benefit from TM52 Overheating Calculations if you meet one of the following criteria:
Are you looking for the Simplified Overheating Assessment or TM59 Overheating Calculations for domestic properties instead?
Simply request your quote using our contact form or by phone. Our customer care team will quickly get in touch during opening hours.
We will arrange an appointment with you, carry out the survey, and once completed send you an invoice.
As soon as we receive payment of the invoice, we will email your TM52 Overheating Calculations. We also offer corporate accounts, with survey delivery on completion and monthly billing.
If all of the rooms pass, then the report is complete.
If some or all of the rooms fail, our technical team will work with you to produce suitable solutions to bring every room to a pass. Once the solutions have been successfully completed, you will receive a new report to reflect the changes.
TM52 Overheating Calculations - Designed to calculate the risk of overheating in commercial new builds. Suitable for those wanting to gain extra BREEAM credits or applying for planning permission in a zone with additional frameworks to meet.
Simplified Overheating Assessment - Designed to assess the risk of overheating in new build dwellings in the most simple way possible, no dynamic thermal modelling required. A passing simplified overheating calculation can circumvent the need for a TM52 assessment, which has otherwise been required by building regulations since 2022 for all new build dwellings that do not have mechanical cooling.
TM59 Overheating Assessment - Designed to calculate the risk of overheating in new build dwellings or residential type commercial buildings (like care homes) that do not have mechanical cooling. If a property fails the Simplified Overheating Assessment then it must move on to TM59 calcs.
All Overheating Calculations are completed by our inhouse technical team. Our team is fully trained and exceptionally experienced in new build calculations.
The TM52 overheating calculation itself, which is carried out to evaluate the risk of overheating in non-domestic buildings, uses three criteria:
To achieve compliance, a room must pass 2 or more criterions.
This calculation is very location specific, to get the most accurate ratings, taking into account variables such as shading elements, other buildings, roads, as well as the business’ operating hours and occupancy.
The basic information we need to be able to provide you with a price for the survey is:
To carry out the survey we will need a range of other information, including:
Once we have provided you with a quote, if you wish to go ahead and book we will also need invoicing details and contact details for whoever will be the best person to answer any questions we may have about the build.
Use our online booking tool to quickly get a quote for your TM52 Overheating Calculations.
Our prices start from £299.95 + VAT, depending on size and complexity of the property.
CIBSE TM52 refers to the publication “TM52 Limits of Thermal Comfort: avoiding overheating (2013)”, which is a guide for completing overheating calculations for non-domestic new builds.
TM52 overheating calculations are used to assess the risk of a commercial new build property overheating. These calculations are completed in line with CIBSE’s “TM52 Limits of Thermal Comfort” guidance.
TM52 Overheating Calculations are not mandatory, however they are used in the following circumstances:
Overheating calculations are a desk based exercise, using the architectural drawings, specifications, and exact location, and as such no site visit is required.
TM52 and TM59 are both types of overheating risk calculations. The type of overheating calculation you should use depends on the building type and end goal.
TM52 is for:
TM59 is for:
Our prices start from £299.95 + VAT, depending on size and location of the property.
Every property certificate, swiftly delivered